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Friday, April 30, 2010

How To Stay Focused & Inspired In Tough Times - Robin S. Sharma

How To Stay Focused & Inspired In Tough Times: Lessons for
Managing and Thriving on Your Setbacks

"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars or
sailed to an uncharted land or opened up a new heaven to the
human spirit," observed Helen Keller.

In this change-crazed world we live in, a healthy dose of
optimism will help us deal with life's daily challenges and
stay inspired in the face of difficulties. But the habit of
positive thinking is not enough.

To truly thrive on the inevitable obstacles that will appear
on your path, you must learn specific strategies for
managing setbacks and transforming your struggles into

The following 5 points will keep you motivated, inspired and
focused as you deal with adversity:

1. Search for the Opportunity. The great motivational
thinker Napoleon Hill once said that every difficulty
contains the seed of an equivalent opportunity. The person
of true character has the courage to find it and then seize
it in order move on to a whole new level of success.

Problems are a part of life. The only people on the planet
who are problem-free are resting six feet under the ground.

When faced with an apparent failure or rejection, ask
yourself the simple question: "what can I learn from this?"
Then use the experience to grow more effective at what you

Remember, failure is the highway to success. As J.P.
Guildford noted: "To live is to have problems and to solve
problems is to grow intellectually."

2. Envision a Better Day. One of the most powerful ways to
stay focused and strong in the face of a setback is to
simply close your eyes and picture a time when things will
be much better.

Visualize things going the way you want them to go. Vividly
see things unfolding ideally and emotionally connect to how
good you will feel once they do. Jonas Salk said: "I've had
dreams and I've had nightmares. I've overcome my nightmares
because of my dreams."

By staying anchored to a positive vision of your future, you
will remain motivated no matter how tough your current
circumstances may be.

3. Connect to the Truth. There are certain "Success Truths"
or natural laws of achievement that have endured throughout
the ages.

Unfortunately,with the frenzied pace at which most of us
work and live at, we often lose sight of these truths that
have stood the test of time, truths such as "just before a
great victory one often faces great adversity" or "we learn
and grow most from our biggest failures" or "nothing can
stop a person who simply refuses to be stopped."

The simple daily discipline of reading an inspirational book
or a great text of wisdom from a life philosopher such as
Seneca or Thoreau first thing in the morning will re-connect
you to the success truths that govern the way we live. Their
knowledge will then infuse and inspire every remaining
minute of your day and your problems will not seem so big.

4. Select, Reflect and Correct. Reflection is one of the
most powerful yet underused business skills. The French
scientist Blaise Pascal mused that "All man's miseries
derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone."

The habit of going to a quiet place on a regular basis and
reflecting on the causes, solutions and ultimate benefits of
a problem you might be experiencing is one that will
profoundly improve the level of your personal and
professional effectiveness.

Thinking deeply about the way you are doing the things you
do increases self-awareness which, in turn, prevents future
mistakes. Let your past failures serve you. Transform your
stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Unless you reflect -
then correct - the mistakes of your past, you are doomed to
repeat them.

5. Maintain Your Perspective. Stephen Hawking, one of the
world's greatest scientific thinkers, has noted that we live
on a minor planet of a very average star located within the
outer limits of one of a hundred thousand million galaxies.

In light of this finding, can your problems really be that
significant? While, in the heat of the moment our challenges
seem to be major calamities, over time we are able to see
them in a new light.

All top performers have developed this ability of keeping
their setbacks in a proper perspective, learning from them
and then advancing confidently in the direction of their
dreams. Never lose sight of the fact that the work you and
your team is doing impacts on people's lives and you can
make a difference.

That's what's most important. As the poet Rumi once said:
"When you are dead, seek for your resting place, not in the
earth, but in the hearts of men." Wise words from a wise man.
Robin S. Sharma, Professional Speaker on Leadership in
Business/Life -- He is the bestselling Author of "Who Will
Cry When You Die?" & "Leadership Wisdom From The Monk Who
Sold His Ferrari". Visit

Your Action Fuels Achievement

Dearest friends,

Here is a very interesting article written by Josh Hinds that I

would like to share with you.

I was reading a magazine recently when something caught my
eye. The article mentioned that most people that exercised
regularly (and as a result tended to be in the best shape)
were those guys and gals that didn't so much plan out when
they would work out, but rather simply worked out regularly
without giving much thought to specifically when they would
make time to do so.

At first I thought to myself ... self, how on earth with
such busy lives that we lead do these folks ever find the
time to get their work outs in?

After a bit of pondering on this it became glaringly obvious
that by taking this approach they weren't allowing
themselves to fall victim to the part of us that over
analyzes things. You know the one I'm talking about.

The part of us that says I don't have time to work out --
I've got to get home in time to make dinner. I've got to
stay late at the office. I've got to (insert whatever you'd
like here). No, they simply acted on their initial impulse
to work out. To get that bit of exercise they felt they

Such a simple thought, to do that set of push ups or go for
that walk or run instead of going through all the trouble to
schedule it in.

I couldn't help but think, by how applying this same
approach to just about any of our goals we wouldn't find
ourselves getting more accomplished.

Consider how many lost goals and otherwise would be
achievements we experience simply because we wait around for
the right time to get started -- and in the process never
get the necessary action going to get started in the first

Take a moment to really give the above statement some

Is there ever really a "perfect time" to set out in pursuit
of your goals? I mean really. Is a month from now, two
weeks, or a day from now going to be any better than right
now at this very moment. Probably not. That's just the way
things work.

Life is filled with any number of things that will shift and
change and inevitably occupy our limited time, if we don't
first take the initiative to fill it with those things we
want to implement in our lives.

Each of us is given the same number of hours in the day (24
-- last I checked). The same number of days in a week -- 7.
And days in a year ... 365 (unless it's a leap year).

Starting now get into the mind set that time -- or a lack
there of won't stop you from working towards achieving those
things that you want to see manifest in your life. Instead
of looking for the right time to get started, just get going
on them and allow yourself the wiggle room to move and adapt
to any change that might be necessary to get you to where
you want to be.

As the saying goes, "you don't have to get it right starting
out, you just have to get going".

Change is inevitable, and in some instances it is true that
we can't control every single thing that happens to us. Even
so there are active steps we can take that will help to
guide us in the direction of those things we desire. Simply
sitting still and idle is one sure way to keep yourself from
realizing your dreams.

Dream big and feed your dreams with the necessary amount of
action and as a result you are sure to attain your own
definition of success.

Keep this thought in mind: Even the best laid out goals are
simply dreams until you add the fuel of action that gets you
on the path towards achieving them.

-- Here's to your success, Josh Hinds

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Power of Positive Talk

My dearest friends,

Hope you are all doing great! Here is a great lesson sent to me by my lovely friend, Sangeeta Ramdin that I would like to share with you today!

The Power of Positive Talk by Dr Abdul Kalam

I remember my dad teaching me the power of language at a very young age. Not only did my dad understand that specific words affect our mental pictures, but he understood words are a powerful programming factor in lifelong success.

One particularly interesting event occurred when I was eight. As a kid, I was always climbing trees, poles, and literally hanging around upside down from the rafters of our lake house. So, it came to no surprise for my dad to find me at the top of a 30-foot tree swinging back and forth. My little eight-year-old brain didn't realize the tree could break or I could get hurt. I just thought it was fun to be up so high.

My older cousin, Tammy, was also in the same tree. She was hanging on the first big limb, about ten feet below me. Tammy's mother also noticed us at the exact time my dad did. About that time a huge gust of wind came over the tree. I could hear the leaves start to rattle and the tree begin to sway. I remember my dad's voice over the wind yell, "Hold on tightly." So I did. The next thing I know, I heard Tammy screaming at the top of her lungs, laying flat on the ground. She had fallen out of the tree.

I scampered down the tree to safety. My dad later told me why she fell and I did not. Apparently, when Tammy's mother felt the gust of wind, she yelled out, "Tammy, don't fall!" And Tammy did. fall.

My dad then explained to me that the mind has a very difficult time processing a negative image. In fact, people who rely on internal pictures cannot see a negative at all. In order for Tammy to process the command of not falling, her nine-year-old brain had to first imagine falling, then try to tell the brain not to do what it just imagined. Whereas, my eight-year-old brain instantly had an internal image of me hanging on tightly.

This concept is especially useful when you are attempting to break a habit or set a goal . You can't visualize not doing something. The only way to properly visualize not doing something is to actually find a word for what you want to do and visualize that. For example, when I was thirteen years old, I played for my junior high school football team. I tried so hard to be good, but I just couldn't get it together at that age. I remember hearing the words run through my head as I was running out for a pass, "Don't drop it!" Naturally, I dropped the ball.

My coaches were not skilled enough to teach us proper "self-talk." They just thought some kids could catch and others couldn't. I'll never make it pro, but I'm now a pretty good Sunday afternoon football player, because all my internal dialogue is positive and encourages me to win. I wish my dad had coached me playing football instead of just climbing trees. I might have had a longer football career.

Here is a very easy demonstration to teach your kids and your friends the power of a toxic vocabulary. Ask them to hold a pen or pencil. Hand it to them. Now, follow my instructions carefully. Say to them, "Okay, try to drop the pencil." Observe what they do.

Most people release their hands and watch the pencil hit the floor. You respond, "You weren't paying attention. I said TRY to drop the pencil. Now please do it again." Most people then pick up the pencil and pretend to be in excruciating pain while their hand tries but fails to drop the pencil.

The point is made

If you tell your brain you will "give it a try," you are actually telling your brain to fail. I have a "no try" rule in my house and with everyone I interact with. Either people will do it or they won't. Either they will be at the party or they won't. I'm brutal when people attempt to lie to me by using the word try. Do they think I don't know they are really telegraphing to the world they have no intention of doing it but they want me to give them brownie points for pretended effort? You will never hear the words "I'll try" come out of my mouth unless I'm teaching this concept in a seminar.

If you "try" and do something, your unconscious mind has permission not to succeed. If I truly can't make a decision I will tell the truth. "Sorry John. I'm not sure if I will be at your party or not. I've got an outstanding commitment. If that falls through, I will be here. Otherwise, I will not. Thanks for the invite."
People respect honesty. So remove the word "try" from your vocabulary.
My dad also told me that psychologists claim it takes seventeen positive statements to offset one negative statement. I have no idea if it is true, but the logic holds true. It might take up to seventeen compliments to offset the emotional damage of one harsh criticism.

These are concepts that are especially useful when raising children.
Ask yourself how many compliments you give yourself daily versus how many criticisms. Heck, I know you are talking to yourself all day long. We all have internal voices that give us direction.

So, are you giving yourself the 17:1 ratio or are you shortchanging yourself with toxic self-talk like, " I'm fat. Nobody will like me. I'll try this diet. I'm not good enough. I'm so stupid. I'm broke, etc. etc."

If our parents can set a lifetime of programming with one wrong statement, imagine the kind of programming you are doing on a daily basis with your own internal dialogue.
Here is a list of Toxic Vocabulary words.
Notice when you or other people use them.
Ø But: Negates any words that are stated before it.
Ø Try: Presupposes failure.
Ø If: Presupposes that you may not.
Ø Might: It does nothing definite. It leaves options for your listener..
Ø Would Have: Past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen.
Ø Should Have: Past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen (and implies guilt.)
Ø Could Have: Past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen but the person tries to take credit as if it did happen.
Ø Can't/Don't: These words force the listener to focus on exactly the opposite of what you want. This is a classic mistake that parents and coaches make without knowing the damage of this linguistic error.

Toxic phrase: "Don't drop the ball!"
Likely result: Drops the ball
Better language: "Catch the ball!"
Toxic phrase: "You shouldn't watch so much television."
Likely result: Watches more television.
Better language: "I read that too much television makes people stupid." You might find yourself turning that TV off and picking up one of those books more often!

Take a moment to write down all the phrases you use on a daily basis or any Toxic self-talk that you have noticed yourself using. Write these phrases down so you will begin to catch yourself as they occur and change them.
These are concepts that are especially useful when raising children.

Have an excellent day!

Much Love,

Kindly send your comments by clicking on the following link:

THE POWER OF NOW - Living in the moment

Persistence - Your Key to Success By Priya Deelchand

Persistence - Your Key to Success

Do you really want to succeed in life? Is there a goal that you would like to achieve? Do you want to be happier, healthier or richer? One of the most important ingredients to achieve anything great in your life is persistence. Persistence has the power to transform desires into reality. John D. Rockefeller once said "I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature."

Persistence separates extraordinary people from ordinary ones. You too can succeed and achieve great things in your life if you cultivate the habit of persisting. All things are possible if you persist. People who persevere, never accept defeat. They just keep moving forward in the direction of their goals.
One of the main reasons why goals remain unachieved and why most people are not successful is a lack of persistence. Initially you are very excited and highly motivated when you make the decision to achieve your new goal and you are determined to succeed. However once an obstacle, large or small, appears you most often allow that obstacle to discourage you from continuing to do what it takes to achieve your goal and succeed.

People who achieved excellence have encountered many obstacles while climbing the ladder to success. Such obstacles would have discouraged most ordinary people a long time back. These extraordinary people, however, refused to quit. They persisted until they succeeded. Thomas Edison is a very good example of the power of perseverance. When he was asked how he managed to persist in the face of continued failure, he answered, "I did not fail. I have just found 10,000 ways not to invent the light bulb." Most people fail simply because they gave up too soon. If they had persisted, success would have been theirs.

You need to persist regardless of the obstacles you come across. You must keep telling yourself that as long as you keep trying, as long as you keep putting effort into doing what you need to do to achieve what you strongly desire, you will succeed. Always remember the wise words of Og Mandino who once said "I will persist until I succeed. Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.... I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking."

If you persist, you will succeed over the person who has more money, more education or even more talents than you have. Calvin Coolidge was right when he said "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

Persistence has incredible power. Take constant action in the direction of your goals and trust that the best outcome will always materialize. Never quit. Do not stop singing if you are not accepted at an audition, do not give up on that job you always wanted, do not stop striving to be the person you always wanted to be, do not give up your big dreams. Always remember that all great people started as ordinary people but had a dream and persisted and with a positive mental attitude achieved extraordinary success. If they persisted and succeeded, you can too! So begin to persist now and remember what Winston Churchill said "Never, never, never give up!"

Priya Deelchand is a Life and Business Coach and Founder of Success Strategies Consultants Ltd. She coaches and helps people worldwide in both English and French using Law of Attraction, EFT and other powerful techniques. If you want to live a happier and more fulfilled life, please visit us at

Article Source:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Acres Of Diamonds

My dearest friends,

Hope you are all doing fantastic!!!

Today I would like to share a wonderful true story written by the famous Earl Nightingale with you! It is the story of Russell Conwell, author of Acres of Diamonds.

One of the most interesting Americans who lived in the 19th century was a man by the name of Russell Herman Conwell. He was born in 1843 and lived until 1925. He was a lawyer for about fifteen years until he became a clergyman.

One day, a young man went to him and told him he wanted a college education but couldn't swing it financially. Dr. Conwell decided, at that moment, what his aim in life was, besides being a man of cloth - that is. He decided to build a university for unfortunate, but deserving, students. He did have a challenge, however. He would need a few million dollars to build the university. For Dr. Conwell, and anyone with real purpose in life, nothing could stand in the way of his goal.

Several years before this incident, Dr. Conwell was tremendously intrigued by a true story - with its ageless moral. The story was about a farmer who lived in Africa and through a visitor became tremendously excited about looking for diamonds. Diamonds were already discovered in abundance on the African continent and this farmer got so excited about the idea of millions of dollars worth of diamonds that he sold his farm to head out to the diamond line. He wandered all over the continent, as the years slipped by, constantly searching for diamonds, wealth, which he never found. Eventually he went completely broke and threw himself into a river and drowned.

Meanwhile, the new owner of his farm picked up an unusual looking rock about the size of a country egg and put it on his mantle as a sort of curiosity. A visitor stopped by and in viewing the rock practically went into terminal convulsions. He told the new owner of the farm that the funny looking rock on his mantle was about the biggest diamond that had ever been found. The new owner of the farm said, "Heck, the whole farm is covered with them" - and sure enough it was.

The farm turned out to be the Kimberly Diamond Mine...the richest the world has ever known. The original farmer was literally standing on "Acres of Diamonds" until he sold his farm.

Dr. Conwell learned from the story of the farmer and continued to teach it's moral. Each of us is right in the middle of our own "Acre of Diamonds", if only we would realize it and develop the ground we are standing on before charging off in search of greener pastures. Dr. Conwell told this story many times and attracted enormous audiences. He told the story long enough to have raised the money to start the college for underprivileged deserving students. In fact, he raised nearly six million dollars and the university he founded, Temple University in Philadelphia, has at least ten degree-granting colleges and six other schools.

When Doctor Russell H. Conwell talked about each of us being right on our own "Acre of Diamonds", he meant it. This story does not get will be true forever...

Opportunity does not just come along - it is there all the time - we just have to see it.

Wish you all an excellent day!

Much Love,

Kindly send your comments with us by clicking on the following link:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Boost Your Self Esteem With Positive Affirmations by Priya Deelchand

Boost Your Self Esteem With Positive Affirmations
By Priya Deelchand

Your ability to achieve what you truly desire in your life depends largely on your self esteem. Your self esteem is how you feel about yourself. The stronger your self esteem, the more confidence you will have in your abilities and the more you will accomplish in life. In fact, there is a direct relationship between self esteem and success. Successful people generally have a very high self esteem and think very highly about themselves whereas most unsuccessful people have a very low self esteem. According to Dr Nathaniel Branden, famous psychologist on self esteem, "There is no value-judgment more important to man-no factor more decisive in his psychological development and motivation than the estimate he passes on himself."

Building a strong self esteem is therefore of utmost importance for you to live a better, happier and more successful life. You can use positive affirmations techniques to build your self esteem and develop a powerful and positive attitude in life. Through the regular use of this powerful technique, you will begin to see wonderful changes in your life you never imagined possible.

Affirmation is something that you are doing all the time. In fact, every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. All of your inner dialogues are affirmations. You are continually affirming subconsciously with your words and thoughts and this flow of affirmations is creating your life experience in every moment.
If you want to build your self esteem, it is very important for you to develop a conscious and focused affirmation process. You must become conscious of exactly what you are affirming through your thoughts and consciously and purposefully focus those affirmations on positive and empowering statements. These positive affirmations will reprogram your subconscious mind and allow you to boost up your self esteem. By developing the habit of using positive affirmations regularly and consistently your subconscious will adapt to the new information it is being provided with.

For your affirmations to be 100% effective, it is important that you create your own affirmations based on your specific conditions and circumstances. It is very important to remember that your affirmations are only going to be effective if you can feel what you are affirming. It is the emotions that your affirmations create that will attract the things that you desire to you. The most effective positive affirmations are phrases that are in alignment with you, empower you and allow you to feel a shift in your emotions as you repeat them.

You can repeat the following affirmations to restore your self esteem or create your own affirmations. It is highly worth noting that loving yourself is the key to boost up your self esteem. The more you love yourself, the stronger your self esteem will grow.

1. I love and accept myself completely.

2. I feel great about myself. 

3. I respect myself.

4. I am a unique and a very special person.

5. I and worthy of respect of others.

6. I am happy and successful.

7. I have high self esteem.

8. I deserve all the good things in life.

9. I am loving, healthy, positive and prosperous.

10. I am a valuable and important person.

Using positive affirmations can do wonders in building your self esteem. Louise Hart once said, self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness. You must believe in yourself and value yourself because you are unique and are capable of accomplishing great things in your life. As Nathaniel Hawthorne rightly said, "Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and is important, in some respect, whether he chooses to be so or not."

Priya Deelchand is a Life and Business Coach and Founder of Success Strategies Consultants Ltd. She coaches and helps people worldwide in both English and French using Law of Attraction, EFT and other powerful techniques. If you want to live a happier and more fulfilled life, please visit us at or